Saturday, April 07, 2007

Re-Enchantment - Art & Religion Discussion

Caleb Spencer, a classmate of mine from Wheaton College and occasional attender of up/rooted, works for the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and passed along to me information about a really interesting event going on next week. He says:

There is an upcoming event at SAIC called Re-Enchantment that is all about the relationship between contemporary art and religious conviction. Some of the people in Uprooted might be interested in checking it out. There are two major events, a talk by the art historian and theorist David Elkins on Monday, April 16 (he wrote a great book called On the Strange Place of Religion in Contemporary Art), and then there is also a roundtable on the 17th from 10:00am-4:00pm with a panel of artists and guests talking about this topic. Anyway, just another possibility for those who are interested.

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