Tuesday, November 21, 2006

For Anyone Wishing to Go to the Ancient-Future Conference

Are any Chicago Area emerging/missional people out there interested in coming to the Ancient-Evangelical Future Conference? I posted earlier on my own blog on the subject "Does Brian McLaren Need Bob Webber?" In other words, what does liturgy, ancient practices of spiritual formation,and the Bible as narrative have to do with postmodernity? Brian McLaren will be speaking at the AEF Conference Thursday night Dec 7th on the title "Does the Emerging Church Have an Ancient Future?" at 7 p.m. at Northern. Lauren Winner will be speaking on Dec 9th Saturday morning 9 a.m. on the subject of our Hebrew heritage, postmodernity, narrative and doing theology and church in our times. This is all at Northern Seminary. There will be breakout sessions, panel discussions, and alot of interaction. If there are any interested in coming, I know its quite expensive, especially the whole conference. Nonethless, I have been able to get a deal for any group interested in coming to just these two presentations and surrounding events for 50 bucks. It's still alot. But if any of you can afford it, we'll try to have some time together for discussion and mutual encouragement. I will be responding to Brian's presentation Thursday nite. Perhaps we can all meet afterwards. Check it out and let me know by emailing me at fitchest@earthlink.net If we get ten people who'd like to do this, we can get it at 50 bucks a piece. Not trying to hype this thing. I just think it would be a cool thing to participate in.

Blessings, David Fitch from up/rooted North!


Mike Clawson said...

Thanks for the offer Dave. I would, but since the conference was too expensive I decided not to go and already made alternative plans. :(

Good luck though!


David Fitch said...

Yeah ... I hear ya on the "too expensive"... hopefully for those of you who've never met Brian McLaren or Lauren Winner ... this will give you a chance ... for quality time with them ...