we've started our second year of monthly gatherings.
Last month Dave Fitch (Pastor of Life on the Vine) led us in a discussion concerning the problem of catechesis in the evangelical post-Christian church. Can a person leave the pagan formation of the world ... to live in Christ... without some preparation, formation, initiation?"
and just last week Dr. Wayne Johnson of Trinity helped us think abut the failed modern and postmodern attempts at the church engaging culture, offering us a third way--embodying the story. Part of his presentation was based on a paper he recently gave called "Jesus Is Lord: Embodying the Hermeneutical Precedence of Church and Cross in a Postmodern World" which he has graciously allowed us to post on our site.
In November Ed Philips (professor of church history) will help us think through the relationship of liturgy/worship and theology from an early church prespective. see our site for more info.